NES Health: BioEnergetiX WellNES System (BWS)

During an initial appointment with Dr. Jess, a client’s history is gathered and used in conjunction with the BWS bioenergetic assessment to help address a client’s most important concerns.

Translating Body-Field Frequencies

The BWS uses a scanning software that is designed to measure and translate energetic frequencies and their flow within the body-field. Just as a radio can translate radio waves (frequencies) into music, the BWS scan can also translate frequencies that are generated by the body into intelligible information. By using the sound waves from a voice recording or the touch of a hand on a scanner, the blockages, distortions, and flow of energy within the body-field are revealed. These are not just single frequencies, but whole sets of frequencies based on all the energy present in cells, organs, or systems.

Restoring the Body-Field’s Blueprint

Many diseased conditions begin as disturbances in the body-field. According to Professor Peter Frazer, who co-founded NES Health, considered how the body-field was receptive to non-chemical information, as in homeopathy, and how it resulted in biological effects. Homeopathy uses dilutions of substances that leave little to no residue, yet they still stimulate a response in the body. NES’s theory proposed that the body is often sick due to compromised energy and information in the body-field, and took the approach to restore the body-field’s blueprint. Through Infoceuticals, you expose the body-field to an optimal blueprint of information that supports energy production and correct communication throughout the body-field, as a guide to the body to find its way back toward wholeness.

The BWS Scan Experience and the miHealth Device

Within seconds of being scanned by the BWS, your body-field is mapped out onto multiple screens with pictures and explanations of the findings. NES’s miHealth devise is introduced within the scan and areas on the body are high-lighted to show where its use would be beneficial (See miHealth under services to learn more). The software finishes with a recommended protocol for the Infoceuticals and the miHealth settings to stimulate the body’s innate self-healing ability through information transfer.
