How EVOX Perception Reframing Works

The EVOX software creates a visual map of a client’s perception over a specific topic such as health, relationships, work, athletic performance or any aspect of life they’d like to improve.

During an EVOX session, the client will speak about a topic while the EVOX software will record the energy of the voice. The voice energy is plotted into a Perception Index, giving the client a visual image of their perception.

Most Perceptions are Static

Clinical studies show that most perceptions are static and cause perception dysfunction.

In the case of relationships, a person may continually attract destructive behaviors regardless of a conscious desire for a healthier relationship.

Change Your Perceptions. Change Your Life

With the EVOX system, it is possible to quickly and painlessly shift or reframe one’s perception on a conscious and subconscious level. Perception reframing allows for a more functional reality. It can help improve any aspect of life, including personal health, interpersonal relationships, and performance.

During the EVOX Session

During the EVOX session, a client identifies a specific area in life that is giving them trouble. A topic chart is created and the session begins to address it in a very powerful way. The client begins by speaking about the topic for just 10 seconds. While a hand is placed on the hand cradle, music is heard through the headset and timed-output is delivered through the hand cradle to the body’s subconscious. As the subconscious absorbs the information after several recordings and timed out-puts, a shift or perception reframing occurs about their topic. The expanded perception can then lead to improvements in their specific area.

In Office or Remote Sessions

ZYTO sessions are available in our La Conner, WA office or REMOTELY, from anywhere around the world. For REMOTE sessions you must have access to a Windows computer, high-speed internet, head phones with mic, and a ZYTO hand cradle. ZYTO hand cradles can be purchased for $240.00 through our office or on the zyto.com website .
