Chest Formula
100 capsules


Dr. Christopher’s Chest formula is helpful in supporting the body’s natural defenses and working with the healing responses. It has been traditionally used for:

Respiratory System

  • helping to relieve congestion in the sinuses and chest
  • bringing tone to excessively wet mucous membranes
  • helping to break a high temperature (if given hourly)
  • rich in bioflavonoids that have both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects
  • assisting a hoarse condition of the throat or soreness
  • stimulating circulation to promote comfort in the mucus membrane tissues

Digestive System

  • easing cramps in the stomach
  • discomfort in the stomach and bowels
  • mouth sore issues

Reproductive System

  • easing cramps in the uterus


Directions: Take 2 capsules 2 times per day, or as directed by your health care professional if more is required.

Store in a cool, dry place.

Ingredients: Bayberry Bark, Ginger Root, White Pine Bark, Clove Whole, & Cayenne Pepper

Encapsulated in a pure 100% vegetable based capsule.


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100 capsules

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